Visiting our HQ in Buenos Aires: the Ambassadors’ Week
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Visiting our HQ in Buenos Aires: the Ambassadors’ Week

Our company strives to create a supportive and nurturing culture for our collaborators. We want to ensure everyone feels like they are a respected and valued member of the team . Our employees’ motivation and satisfaction comes from more than just their job; it’s also about their overall experience in the workplace. That’s why we go above and beyond by fostering a culture of respect, trust, and collaboration. 

The benefits at BEON

We offer a variety of benefits to each team member, including competitive salaries, flexible work schedules, vacation and sick leave, and career development opportunities. A range of perks is available for each BEONer, such as English classes with a native teacher, complete courses through different platforms, and sessions with a Psychologist as part of our mental health program. 

We have crafted a well-thought-out list of engagement programs and activities to help everyone build strong relationships and stay connected. Since our collaborators are our greatest asset, we take good care of them. That’s why one of the perks we like most is our Ambassadors’ Week! Have you heard about it?

What is Ambassadors’ Week?

Ambassadors’ Week is a biannual event designed to  bring together the far-flung members of our community. We invite each BEONer to visit our headquarters in Buenos Aires for a week, subsidizing 100% of their stay and 50% of their plane tickets. During Ambassadors’ Week, BEONers come from their different home countries in Latin America and spend a week visiting the city.

It’s the perfect opportunity to get to know the team in person  and to allow them to form new professional connections and friendships. After working months and even years remotely, it’s nice to see each other face-to-face. 

It allows BEONers to put Slack names to real faces, and they appreciate the opportunity to meet,  project teammates, as well as the folks from the recruiting team who contacted them the first time, and even the Company’s founders..

During this unique week, we have daily activities and social events, lunches, happy hours, and walking tours. Also, during the sessions which fall in the summer, we have our annual end-of-year event, Company Day: a day spent outdoors, in a beautiful place in the countryside a few miles from the city, celebrating all our achievements from the past year while enjoying games and activities by the pool.

The impact it has on our company culture

We are proud to introduce everyone to the beautiful scenery and culture of Buenos Aires,  and opening the doors of our HQ is a great pleasure.  During  our first event in December 2021, we welcomed 10 BEONers from Latin America:  during the second one in April 2022, 20 collaborators joined us; and in the most recent one, held in November 2022, we brought  40 developers from our talented community to our headquarters. For some BEONers, this is their first time traveling by plane. For others, this opportunity is the first time they’ve been outside their home country.

Overall, Ambassadors’ Week is a fantastic event! It’s a great way to meet people from around LatAm and make connections that could boost your career. As you think about joining BEON, we encourage you to consider the unique opportunity which Ambassadors’ Week offers!

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