Introducing’s Talent Platform for Software Developers
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Introducing’s Talent Platform for Software Developers

This can be the last time you look for a job.

A simple yet definitive solution to your endless hours filling forms and going through numerous interviews—a talent matching platform, especially designed to forever simplify your search process and give you the job you’ve been toiling to find. 

To see what I mean, watch this short video that explains the 5-minute process of registering on

Register here to access a custom vetted pool of remote software jobs. 

Then, how is different from other job platforms? BEON connects rockstar developers (you) with carefully-selected, elite U.S. jobs that will launch your career into space. And how could this platform solve your job-hunting problems once and for all? Let me show you four ways in which it will help you find the perfect match for you.

The four ways in which the talent matching platform will benefit you

These are all about you. As you’ll see, the platform is what’s known as dev-centered. That is, focused on meeting your needs and helping you achieve your goals—here’s how:

1. Streamlined application process is a dev-centered platform, valuing your work as much as you do, which is why it’s constantly adapting to provide a faster, friendlier, and more convenient application process for you. 

With an application process that takes just 1 hour and 15 minutes total to complete, you will gain access to a handpicked yet diverse selection of full-time, long-term remote software jobs that offer compensation comparable to U.S. positions. 

So, you spend less time applying and more time exploring opportunities and choosing the best one for your career goals.

2. Access to high-impact positions

“Big results require big ambitions” — Heraclitus

The platform not only brings the best developers in, but also provides them with the best projects that match their ambitions. 

After completing your profile, you gain unlimited access to:

  • Exclusive roles sourced from highly disruptive and innovative projects that aim to change the course of their industry and sometimes even society.
  • These offers come from businesses that have at least US$20 million in funding, ensuring you connect with the companies that are actively breaking the boundaries of technology.
  • Job offers come with opportunities to take leadership and ownership of your work, gaining experience that will boost your career in the right direction. 

3. Custom growth plans for your success

Something that makes stand out from other talent matching platforms is the commitment to your growth. BEON is the only platform with the Talent Experience Manager (TEM) role, which are career-orientation professionals that work closely with you to create personalized and continuous growth plans based on your needs and desires, as well as a careful assessment of your unique strengths and abilities. 

4. Maximized earnings and benefits

Gone are the days of believing that only Silicon Valley provides the best compensation and benefits. On’s platform you won’t only find the job of your dreams, but also the compensation you’ve been yearning for—all salaries are equivalent with those of high-profile U.S. positions. Choosing to work with means receiving more than 70% of the paycheck, along with exciting bonuses and a plethora of valuable benefits to enjoy.

Key takeaways

“Offering a quality service that’s recommended by others is never an accident; it’s always the result of intention, sincere effort, the intelligent direction of a good leader, and skillful execution” — Michel Cohen, Co-Founder of is not just a job platform; it’s a career booster designed for software developers who dream big. With a user-friendly application process, customized recommendations, access to high-impact positions, personalized growth plans, and maximized earnings, this platform has everything that you need to make your career take flight.  

 Your dream job is just a few clicks away, join and get started!

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