Consumer Driven Contract Testing In a Microservice Architecture
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Consumer Driven Contract Testing In a Microservice Architecture

Building an E2E test suite in a distributed environment can be a challenging task, in many cases it could even be infeasible considering its complexity and cost, besides that, continuous integration pipelines execution could be very time consuming.

Instead of focusing on applications interactions and behaviors, developers probably would spend a considerable amount of time fixing environment specific issues.

One possible alternative to achieve the desired testing coverage in this scenario would be to use a CDC testing strategy (Consumer Driven Contract Testing).

What is CDC (Consumer Driven Contract Testing)?

Basically CDC testing is a process which consists of the consumer setting expectations about the provider, and after that, those expectations are validated at the provider side.

This kind of approach is well suited for scenarios at which the same organization is responsible for both consumers and providers involved in the solution.

Pact is a contract testing framework built on top of the CDC testing idea, it supports a reasonable number of programming languages, usually integrating with the Pact Broker or its commercial variant PactFlow. Pact Broker and Pact Flow provide an UI to visualize your system dependencies, pact verifications and other features.

How to evaluate pact features

Diving into the getting started docs, usually you will see examples of testing based on sharing of the contract file, being the consumer and provider located in the same repository. In this article we will see how we can tweak one of those samples to integrate with Pact Broker, in order to work with separated repositories and simulate a real world scenario.

To evaluate the Pact Broker in a development environment, you can use a docker compose file which suits best for your needs  from this repo (docker-compose-dev.yml is a good choice for testing purposes). Once you have your pact broker instance running, you can go to the getting started docs of your preferred language. In this article we are going to use ruby.

The original tutorial is based on other web frameworks, but in that case we have created two rails api’s to evaluate pact features. One is the zoo app and the other is the animal app, being zoo the consumer and animal the provider.
We are not going to setup authentication features, since the server is for testing purposes only:

Zoo application Rakefile

require_relative "config/application" 
requie 'pact_broker/client/tasks' do | task |
  task.consumer_version = '1.0-beta'
  task.pact_broker_base_url = "http://localhost:9393" # assuming your pact broker instance is running on port 9393

After running our test suite from the consumer application (bundle exec rspec), the contract files will be generated (spec/pacts/zoo_app-animal_service.json/spec/pacts/zoo_consumer-animal_producer.json), and we can publish it to our Pact Broker using a rake task:

rake pact:publish

You will be able to see your pacts at the pact broker home page, and they are not verified yet, since testing from the provider is pending:

Pact broker home page with the zoo app and zoo consumer app

Our pact_helper at the provider side will look like that:

require 'pact/provider/rspec'
Pact.provider_states_for "Zoo App" do
  provider_state "an alligator exists" do

Pact.service_provider "Animal Service" do
  app_version '2.0-beta'
  publish_verification_results true
  honours_pact_with 'Zoo App' do
    pact_uri 'http://localhost:9393/pacts/provider/Animal%20Service/consumer/Zoo%20App/latest.json'

There is a separated helper for testing messaging communication (message_helper.rb)

The “publish_verification_results true” snippet will enable publishing the test results to our pact broker. In order to use the pact contract published from the consumer, we configure the pact “Zoo App” to be loaded from the pact broker uri (pact_uri).

The Animal App Rakefile contains a task definition to verify messaging contracts and also is responsible for requiring Pact Tasks:

require 'pact/tasks'
require_relative "config/application"
require 'pact_broker/client/tasks' do | task |
  task.uri 'http://localhost:9393/pacts/provider/Animal%20Producer/consumer/Zoo%20Consumer/latest.json', pact_helper: './spec/message_consumer/message_helper.rb'

To run the tests related to our service at the provider side we can use the following rake task:

rake pact:verify RAILS_ENV=test

The article demo shows a very simple messaging test scenario, you can run it from the provider using the command rake verify:pact:messaging RAILS_ENV=test

After running both tasks from the provider, your pacts must be verified


Final thoughts

Although contract testing is a great alternative to deliver quality in a distributed environment, there are some drawbacks, more specifically about using the Pact framework. Some languages provide better support and features than others, also sometimes it’s hard to find documentation or guides on using more advanced features. It is worth mentioning that having good communication between teams is essential to ensure your contract testing strategy will succeed.

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