Working remotely from Brazil— A how-to guide from Brazilians to Brazilians
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Working remotely from Brazil— A how-to guide from Brazilians to Brazilians

Remote work is a growing trend that seems to have no horizons. It brings a number of benefits including a quieter work environment, fewer interruptions, greater comfort, and less time wasted commuting. 

If you live in Brazil and are researching about working abroad, this article has some interesting points on the benefits of working for US companies from the comfort of your home and how you can take the first step.

Answering the most frequently asked questions of working remotely from Brazil

So, you’re considering working remotely from Brazil? Then you’ll probably have some burning questions. I’m going to answer the two most frequently asked ones that alone tackle visa requirements, remote culture, and cost of living. Let’s jump right into it and get those questions answered pronto!

Are companies hiring Brazilians to work remotely?

The pandemic caused the labor market to have to adapt to a new range of challenges. And now tech hiring has reached such flexibility that almost 100% of the tasks in most job positions of the industry are performed remotely. Making it possible for developers to work from different locations throughout the globe.

This situation resulted in companies discovering Latin American developers as the solution for the talent shortage. Furthermore, Brazil’s software services market ranked 9th worldwide and 1st in LATAM.

We are no longer talking about face-to-face work, but skills-to-skills. The world has become a highly dynamic and fast-paced place, and job opportunities are increasingly broad, because it’s no longer limited to just one geographical location, but to the entire planet. 

Will I need a work visa to start working remotely from Brazil for a U.S. company?

The differences between working remotely and immigrating to the US are innumerable, but there is a specific one that always raises concerns, and that is the requirement of documents to enter the US as a company employee. In case your idea is to emigrate to the US, you will need to know that a Work Visa will be required to be able to perform your position for a certain time.

It’s known that these procedures not only take time but can result in failed attempts. And in case it’s successful, that doesn’t mean that you can emigrate to the USA for life. Work visas are complex. And you have to know that most companies that have open positions in the USA are not going to offer you a sponsorship, as they are comfortable with the talent supply they have at a national level. 

For this reason, the alternative of working as a remote employee sounds tempting and, more importantly, possible. Today, there are companies that connect the best talent in Latin America with top-tier companies in the US and other technological powers without having to request any type of documentation. 

What it’s like to work remotely from Brazil for a US company

To assess the quality of this modality, there’s nothing better than the valuable perspective of those developers working remotely from Brazil at

Felipe Zacani, 43 years old, and a Node.js developer, says:  “Working from Brazil with US teams has been my main goal for a long time. I usually adjust to this environment easily because I like their simplistic attitude towards most problems, contrasting with what we typically see here in Brazil. As an example, all meetings should have a goal, instead of just being in compliance with a process. You get to practice English at a whole other level. Also, getting to know the culture and having the chance to show them yours. This doesn’t always happen, but usually, you’ll have opportunities. The experience adds great value to your resume, of course.”

Matheus Fischer, 28 years old, and a React developer, adds: “The best aspect of working from Brazil for the United States is living directly with another culture, interacting, and improving ourselves.”

Gilvanei Gregorio, 30 years old, and a Python developer, says: “Working in Brazil for a US company has a lot of pros. The biggest one for me is having the opportunity to work in the greatest technology market in the world, next to the best tech guys. The compensation aspect is also a good point, you receive your wage in dollars and spend on reais, so your purchasing power increases. And as someone who loves being close to my family, I can do it and keep close to them. I highly recommend it to anyone who’s willing to give it a try, because it’ll for sure be a big leap in your career.”

How to take the leap

If you are skilled at coding, and you feel prepared to make the transition from your current job to a remote one, go ahead! It’s time to challenge yourself. There are many opportunities out there for you, and you can explore most of them in our state-of-the-art platform for company and talent matching. And in case you don’t feel fully prepared to do it yet, I hope this blog has generated the necessary spark to fire you up! 

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