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The software development talent shortage—How businesses found a solution

The software development talent shortage—How businesses found a solution

A looming crisis awaits businesses that do not take swift action: a shortage of software developers is expected to reach 4 million by 2025, the demand for them far exceeding the supply. Companies that find a competitive edge in this situation stand to reap the rewards, and many have already done so. Tech hiring from

How to ace your first job interview for a U.S. company.

How to ace your first job interview for a U.S. company.

Worldwide, the IT industry is growing at full speed; developers, software engineers, architects, and data scientists, are in high demand. Everybody wants to be part of this revolutionary industry, especially if it means having a job interview for a U.S. company. Thanks to virtuality, today we can work from the comfort of our homes, for

How To Onboard World-Class Software Developers
News Tech Team Management

How To Onboard World-Class Software Developers

During the last few years, we focused on identifying and hiring, one by one, the best engineers from all over Latin America. As a result, we have an organization with professionals who can make an impact from day zero on the most challenging projects. In order to attract top-tier talent, we always look for the

BEON — A Great Place to Work
News Our Team

BEON — A Great Place to Work

The photo above shows our team from Buenos Aires, 25 of the nearly 100 BEONers from all over Latin America. We believe in connecting the best talent in our region with high-end companies in the U.S. Through challenging projects, extraordinary teammates, and a friendly and supportive company culture, we propel every BEONer’s career in new

Why Businesses Embraced Nearshore Agile Software Development

Why Businesses Embraced Nearshore Agile Software Development

“If I can’t shake their hand, I can’t trust them”, that’s how many people used to think. However, this mentality is changing for the better. Many experts in a wide range of industries are seeing a major turn from businesses who already adopted remote work to start taking advantage of nearshore talent onboarding, which is

Why 2020 Was Our Best Year So Far
News Our Team

Why 2020 Was Our Best Year So Far

Facing these circumstances has taught us something we will never forget. ..

How Cutting Our Marketing Budget Made Our Sales Explode
News Our Team

How Cutting Our Marketing Budget Made Our Sales Explode

Today, we consistently see up to 35% annual growth. But it wasn’t always like that. ..

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