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The software development talent shortage—How businesses found a solution

The software development talent shortage—How businesses found a solution

A looming crisis awaits businesses that do not take swift action: a shortage of software developers is expected to reach 4 million by 2025, the demand for them far exceeding the supply. Companies that find a competitive edge in this situation stand to reap the rewards, and many have already done so. Tech hiring from

How to ace your first job interview for a U.S. company.

How to ace your first job interview for a U.S. company.

Worldwide, the IT industry is growing at full speed; developers, software engineers, architects, and data scientists, are in high demand. Everybody wants to be part of this revolutionary industry, especially if it means having a job interview for a U.S. company. Thanks to virtuality, today we can work from the comfort of our homes, for

How To Onboard World-Class Software Developers
News Tech Team Management

How To Onboard World-Class Software Developers

During the last few years, we focused on identifying and hiring, one by one, the best engineers from all over Latin America. As a result, we have an organization with professionals who can make an impact from day zero on the most challenging projects. In order to attract top-tier talent, we always look for the

Why Businesses Embraced Nearshore Agile Software Development

Why Businesses Embraced Nearshore Agile Software Development

“If I can’t shake their hand, I can’t trust them”, that’s how many people used to think. However, this mentality is changing for the better. Many experts in a wide range of industries are seeing a major turn from businesses who already adopted remote work to start taking advantage of nearshore talent onboarding, which is

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