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Your Cheat Sheet To Hasura.Io: Uses, Examples, And Code Snippets.

Your Cheat Sheet To Hasura.Io: Uses, Examples, And Code Snippets.

Hasura stands out as a formidable player in the realm of modern web development. Particularly for those projects that demand efficient, flexible, and scalable data management solutions. Its prowess in automatically generating CRUD operations, coupled with its robust handling of relationships and support for complex queries via PL/SQL functions, positions it as a highly productive

Unit Testing 101 With React Testing Library

Unit Testing 101 With React Testing Library

Frontend development relies heavily on unit testing to verify that different components of the codebase work correctly. This article will delve into the fundamental principles of unit testing in a ReactJS application, with a specific emphasis on using React Testing Library to test components, context API, custom hooks, and especially user interactions. Additionally, we will

How to Create the Best Senior Software Developer CV [2024]

How to Create the Best Senior Software Developer CV [2024]

As you advance in your software development career, your job search priorities undergo a significant transformation. It’s time to move beyond accepting subpar salaries and minimal benefits. The great news is that many companies are adopting a developer-centric approach, recognizing that a competitive salary is just a starting point. However, there’s a catch: to secure

How AI Talent Platforms are Improving the Dev Hiring Landscape

How AI Talent Platforms are Improving the Dev Hiring Landscape

Nowadays, there are plenty of AI software solutions available to address the challenges that companies face. And it’s no different in tech recruiting. In fact, the tech hiring strategy is being reinvented right before your eyes. How? With exceptional digital talent platforms. However, it’s important to note that not all talent acquisition platforms are equal.

Cybersecurity Fundamentals To Protect Yourself And Your Company

Cybersecurity Fundamentals To Protect Yourself And Your Company

In a digital world filled with threats lurking around every corner, how can you ensure your data remains secure? What about your organization’s most valuable assets? Cybersecurity, the shield against digital predators, is a field that demands our attention. Let’s dive into the fundamentals of cybersecurity to unveil the mysteries of online identity, data protection,

AI in Recruiting: 5 Ways to Use Automation to Improve Your Tech Recruiting

AI in Recruiting: 5 Ways to Use Automation to Improve Your Tech Recruiting

As the world continues to embrace digital transformation, recruiters are increasingly adopting AI-powered tools to hire more accurately, efficiently, and fairly. By automating repetitive tasks, these tools help to save valuable time every day. This is especially important in the highly competitive IT recruiting market, with a constant struggle to find and engage experienced candidates.

Introducing BEON.tech’s Talent Platform for Software Developers

Introducing BEON.tech’s Talent Platform for Software Developers

This can be the last time you look for a job. A simple yet definitive solution to your endless hours filling forms and going through numerous interviews—a talent matching platform, especially designed to forever simplify your search process and give you the job you’ve been toiling to find.  To see what I mean, watch this

Top 5 best digital talent platforms to hire software developers in 2023

Top 5 best digital talent platforms to hire software developers in 2023

In a recent global survey, 29.14% of HR professionals from larger enterprises stated that they were looking to hire up to 50 software developers in 2023, while a whopping 47.74% of respondents, with more medium sized teams, were looking to hire around 10 developers this year.  With that in mind, where could medium sized business

A Deep into Performance Testing Strategies with K6

A Deep into Performance Testing Strategies with K6

Testing the reliability and performance of your systems and catching performance regressions and problems earlier is not an easy test. Monitoring and observability tools can give you an idea of some of these performance issues, but only after it happens. There’s the option of providing a huge amount of resources to scale your application, but

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