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Will quiet hiring benefit my business?

Will quiet hiring benefit my business?

After quiet quitting comes quiet hiring. There’s not a single aspect of running a business that wasn’t deeply affected by the pandemic and worldwide economic slowdown. The talent recruiting area was deeply hit, as the way employers and employees view the world changed forever, creating phenomena like The Great Resignation.  Soon, new trends arised, such

How to Keep New Hires Engaged and On Board
Tech Team Management

How to Keep New Hires Engaged and On Board

You’ve made the effort of hiring a new professional, putting money, resources, and time into it, first, giving them a desk and computer, and then leaving them alone. But at the end of the first day both you and the newcomer are unhappy, thinking you’ve made the wrong choice. Finally, you hear what you dreaded:

How to hire .NET developers that exceed your expectations

How to hire .NET developers that exceed your expectations

To hire .NET developers that exceed expectations, hiring a talented .NET coder is not enough. On top of the talent shortage, some candidates lack qualities like loyalty and transparency, and many developers leave the team pursuing a different type of project than what they were originally hired for.  So, how can you hire .NET developers

Your quality checklist to hire senior Node.js developers

Your quality checklist to hire senior Node.js developers

To hire senior Node.js developers gives your business a leg up on your competitors and boosts chances to successfully adapt to the ever-changing tech industry.  Node.js developers are invaluable because they have one of the most diverse scopes in software development, including mobile app development, web apps, cross platform software, and real time services. However,

Your Guide to Find Ruby on Rails Developers in 2023 (Salaries, profiles, and more)

Your Guide to Find Ruby on Rails Developers in 2023 (Salaries, profiles, and more)

Ruby on Rails developers are not only valuable because of their expertise as technicians and the robustness of the technology they’re using, but because of how incredibly scarce they are in the current market. Unfortunately, desperation has made some business owners hire RoR developers who weren’t the right fit for them, resulting in time and

What Remote Workers Need To Know About Mental Health
Tech Team Management

What Remote Workers Need To Know About Mental Health

No one can deny the perks of working from home: it’s comfortable, easy,  you are able to organize your day in a different way, you avoid things like traffic and getting ready in the morning; it definitely makes things easier.  But, as easy as it sounds, there are a few cons like not having the

Onboarding Developers During a Recession

Onboarding Developers During a Recession

In such uncertain conditions as those presented by the economic slowdown we’re currently entering, unemployment rates tend to rise, and investments of all kinds tend to decline, including hiring during a recession. But what happens when essential projects for the company’s profit margins can’t be paused, and the requirements can only be met by maintaining

The Ultimate Guide For Latin Americans To Receive Dollars From The U.S.

The Ultimate Guide For Latin Americans To Receive Dollars From The U.S.

Getting a job with a U.S. company is not only possible, but necessary. Yet, have you ever wondered how you can receive dollars while in Latin America? There have already been thousands of people who have done it and paved the way for you. Compiling all their experiences, we have written the best guide to

The software development talent shortage—How businesses found a solution

The software development talent shortage—How businesses found a solution

A looming crisis awaits businesses that do not take swift action: a shortage of software developers is expected to reach 4 million by 2025, the demand for them far exceeding the supply. Companies that find a competitive edge in this situation stand to reap the rewards, and many have already done so. Tech hiring from

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