Building an E2E test suite in a distributed environment can be a challenging task, in many cases it could even be infeasible considering its complexity and cost, besides that, continuous integration pipelines execution could be very time consuming. Instead of focusing on applications interactions and behaviors, developers probably would spend a considerable amount of time…
There is a reason why there is a specific position in software engineering called Software Architect, and, if you ask 10 different people what software architecture is, you’ll have 10 different answers. On the other hand, if you ask 10 different people what an Architect is, most of them would say that they are responsible…
Feeling lost in your career? This can happen for a variety of reasons. Some feel lost because their work is not challenging enough, others feel stuck in their area and don’t know how to keep growing as professionals, and sometimes people just want a change. This is especially true in the software industry, where professionals…
It’s no secret that companies venturing on software development projects struggle with team productivity and even retention. Many get the unpleasant surprise of seeing their best expert leave when the project needs them the most. Why is it so difficult to achieve team stability, productivity, and satisfaction? It all comes down to talent experience. What…
During the last few years, we focused on identifying and hiring, one by one, the best engineers from all over Latin America. As a result, we have an organization with professionals who can make an impact from day zero on the most challenging projects. In order to attract top-tier talent, we always look for the…
One of the most critical things in software development projects is communication. ..
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” —Warren Bennis Every team working toward a common goal needs a central, visionary voice to give group members direction. With so many new and growing companies in the software industry, we need more leaders at all levels in the decision making process, within each company. Although…
In this article, I will explain what is a Mock in unit testing, something that is getting more relevant in today’s software development environments. So, if you are a software developer looking for answers, keep on reading. BEON Tech Studio is here to help. Let’s dive in! What’s the meaning of a Mock? A Mock…
“If I can’t shake their hand, I can’t trust them”, that’s how many people used to think. However, this mentality is changing for the better. Many experts in a wide range of industries are seeing a major turn from businesses who already adopted remote work to start taking advantage of nearshore talent onboarding, which is…